Rebidding Hands Already Limited
This month we will look at rebidding hands whose strength has already been limited.
In many cases hands are being rebid when all the information to describe the hand was covered by the first bid. This is particularly the case with pre-emptive type bids. In most cases after a pre-emptive bid the bidder should pass thereafter, leaving it to partner to make the decisions. They know your hand but you know little about theirs. Consider these bidding sequences:
2♥ 2♠ 3♥ 3♠ 2H is 6 to 10 points with 6 card suit.
Under no circumstances should North now bid. There is the risk of pushing E/W into a making game or South may have good defence against a spade contract. Even worse is being doubled and going umpteen light to give E/W a top board. South is in charge of the decision making, whether to defend or sacrifice.
2♥ 2♠ P P
? and
2♥ 2♠ 3♦ P
Again North should not now bid. In both cases South has shown no desire to compete in Hearts. In the second example South should have a diamond suit as good as or better than North’s heart suit and a probable void in hearts. If South has two hearts then they should support hearts if they want to compete.
Another limiting bid is 1 No Trumps, either as an opening bid or in response to partner’s opening bid. Unless partner has made an encouraging bid then your next bid is usually pass. EG.
1♥ P 1NT P
2♥ P ?
North knows South has 6 to 9 points and is saying they don’t like no trumps. South should pass. If North happens to jump the bidding to 3♥, which usually shows 6 hearts, this is inviting to game. South should then bid to game with 8 or 9 points, either 3NT or 4♥ depending on their heart holding. With 6 or 7 points they should pass, but the hand should be re-valued if South happens to have secondary heart support.
Lastly the support for opener’s suit at the lowest possible level falls into the same camp as the 1 no trumps response. Unless partner has made some sort of encouraging bid you have said your all. In particular be careful after a takeout double by opponents.
1♠ X 2♠
Both North and South need to be careful here. If I am South in this situation and I have Spade support I am likely to bid with as little as 3 points. Generally North should consider that South has a weak hand because there are a lot of other encouraging bids South could make including redouble, jump in Spades or bid of a new suit.